What is White Phosphorus and Why is its Use Forbidden in Wars?

Fancied Facts
6 min readNov 6, 2023


The sky is lit up with White Phosphorus by Fancied Facts

White phosphorus, a highly controversial substance, has been the subject of intense debate due to its devastating effects on civilians in war zones. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of white phosphorus, its properties, its use as a weapon, and why its use is forbidden in wars. Through careful analysis of multiple sources, we will delve into the chemical composition, military applications, international regulations, and the ethical dilemmas surrounding its use.

Understanding White Phosphorus

White phosphorus is a wax-like chemical substance that is often colorless or yellowish in appearance. It possesses a distinctive odor reminiscent of garlic. This highly reactive substance ignites instantly upon contact with oxygen, making it a potent incendiary agent. Its primary function in weaponry is to burn rapidly and brightly, serving various purposes, such as illuminating targets during night operations and creating smokescreens during the day. The burning process releases much smoke, making it useful for military concealment.

Military Applications

Image by Defence-Imagery from Pixabay

White phosphorus has been widely employed by militaries around the world, including the United States, in the form of incendiary munitions. These munitions can cause fast-burning and fast-spreading fires on the ground, making them a powerful tool in combat. The substance’s ability to stick to surfaces, including skin and clothing, further enhances its effectiveness as a weapon.

The Devastating Effects on Civilians

A family suffering from skin condition and burns concept

Despite its military utility, the use of white phosphorus in war comes with significant risks, particularly for civilians. When white phosphorus comes into contact with human flesh, it can cause deep burns that can penetrate down to the bone. The substance’s extreme heat and ability to reignite after initial treatment make it dangerous and difficult to extinguish. The devastating burns inflicted by white phosphorus can lead to lifelong suffering and even death. Also, acute oral exposure to high levels of white phosphorus can result in gastrointestinal symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Additionally, chronic or repeated exposure to white phosphorus may increase the risk of reproductive toxicity and developmental toxicity, although further research is needed to understand these effects fully. Furthermore, repeated high exposure to white phosphorus can potentially damage the liver and kidneys. Therefore, it is crucial for individuals working with or around white phosphorus to take appropriate safety precautions and wear protective gear to minimize the risk of exposure and its devastating consequences.

International Regulations and War Crimes

The use of white phosphorus in war is subject to international regulations, although it is not explicitly banned as a chemical weapon. Under international law, combatants are required to distinguish between civilian and military targets, making it illegal to use phosphorus near civilians. Unfortunately, there have been numerous documented cases of civilian casualties resulting from the use of white phosphorus in war zones, including Syria, Afghanistan, Gaza, and elsewhere. Human rights organizations have called for stronger regulations and even a complete ban on incendiary weapons due to their indiscriminate nature and the devastating harm they cause to civilians.

The Lethal Properties of White Phosphorus

Image by Daniel Waleczek from Pixabay

The lethal properties of white phosphorus make it a highly controversial substance. Its ability to cause devastating burns and inflict severe damage on human flesh raises ethical and humanitarian questions. Incendiary weapons, such as those containing white phosphorus, are known to cause more extensive and severe burns than standard fire or scald injuries. The capacity of white phosphorus to burn through metal raises further concerns about its impact on human tissue. The excruciating pain, lifelong injuries, and potential loss of life associated with white phosphorus burns underline the urgency of addressing its use in warfare.

The Need for Stronger Regulations

Human rights organizations have been advocating for more vigorous international regulations to address the use of white phosphorus and other incendiary weapons in war. Existing loopholes in the current agreement governing explosive weapons have hindered progress in preventing their use and protecting civilians. The call for more comprehensive regulations or an outright ban on these weapons has been met with resistance from a small number of countries. However, the devastating consequences of white phosphorus on civilian populations demand urgent action and a commitment to the highest possible standards in warfare.

Historical Context and Previous Cases

The use of white phosphorus in warfare is not a recent phenomenon. Historical cases, such as the Gaza War in 2008, also known as Operation Cast Lead, shed light on the devastating impact of white phosphorus on civilian populations. During this conflict, the Israeli military fired approximately 200 ground-launched white phosphorus munitions into Gaza, resulting in numerous civilian casualties and damage to civilian structures. The Israeli army initially justified the use of white phosphorus as a smokescreen for ground operations but faced significant criticism and petitions to ban the substance.

What punishment any country might face if white phosphorous is used deliberately?

Image by Venita Oberholster from Pixabay

If a country deliberately uses white phosphorus in a manner that violates international humanitarian law, it could face various consequences and punishments. The use of white phosphorus in densely populated areas is considered unlawful and indiscriminate, as it can cause significant harm to civilians and infrastructure. Depending on the circumstances, the country may be accused of committing war crimes or violating the Geneva Conventions. This can lead to investigations by international bodies such as the International Criminal Court (ICC) and potential prosecutions of individuals responsible for the decision to use white phosphorus. Additionally, the country may face diplomatic backlash, economic sanctions, or military interventions from other nations or international organizations. The severity of the punishment will depend on the scale and impact of the white phosphorus use, as well as the political and legal context surrounding the situation. Ultimately, the goal is to hold those responsible accountable and prevent further civilian harm in future conflicts.

The Legal Status and International Obligations

Despite the lethal effects of white phosphorus and the concerns raised by human rights organizations, it is not explicitly listed as banned under the UN Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons. However, its use in civilian areas would violate states’ obligations to take all feasible precautions to avoid civilian injury and loss of life. The distinction between white phosphorus as an incendiary agent and a chemical weapon complicates the legal framework surrounding its use. The need for states to uphold the highest possible standards and minimize civilian casualties remains a critical issue in the ongoing debate on the use of white phosphorus in warfare.

In conclusion

The use of white phosphorus in warfare poses significant ethical and humanitarian challenges. Its devastating effects on civilians, including severe burns and lifelong suffering, demand urgent action to strengthen international regulations and prevent its use in conflict zones. The international community, including human rights organizations and governments, must work together to address the concerns surrounding white phosphorus and uphold the highest possible standards in warfare. Only by doing so can we protect innocent lives and prevent further devastation caused by this controversial substance.



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